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Own type in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2019-11-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: untypedtwenty percentuntypicaltypetypertypedtype otype b
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1. Every blood type is compatible with its own type.
2. Many libraries have developed their own type of KnowledgeSpace.
3. You've devised your own type of column.
4. The mandate in own type utter creature.
5. So he made his own type of transportation, something akin to a motorized gurney .
6. You can also define your own type of motion, as well as remove any user-defined motion from the menu.
7. You don't necessarily always wind up with your own type.
8. PK own type, is based on their own door-to-door skills, plus a point system to judge attributes such as.
9. It's not its own type of matter; it's something that matter can do.
10. For MFC dispinterfaces, provide your own type or select from the predefined list.
11. All those genii who have forsaken their own type, and become joined in individuality to an individuality of the divine type, are regarded as neighbors and associates of the Gods.
11. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
12. Again, that's because one generic class may instantiate another with its own type parameters.
13. Once you turn on the Role Manager you'll see this type change, because when enabled, the new RoleManagerModule replaces the principal generated by FormsAuthentication with its own type.
14. So if you ever need a blood transfusion, it's important that you only receive blood compatible with your own type.
15. Setting the parameter to false tells the exporter to export each Domino element as its own type.
16. Monomer reactivity ratios is the ratio of the rate constant for a reactive propagating species adding its own type of monomer to the rate constant for its addition of the other monomer.
17. Now, it seems, every country in the developed world has their own type of scare.
More similar words: untypedtwenty percentuntypicaltypetypertypedtype otype btype atypesnew typeretypesubtypetype outtype abmonotypeecotypelinotypeallotypefile typegenotypetypesetlogotypeisotypeteletypebiotypeneotypetypecastantitypetypeface
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